In-service Pol-Mux Optical Spectrum and Correlation Analyzer (OSCA-710)
OSCA-710 Module for T-BERD/MTS-8000 Platforms
The first in-service, in-band Pol-Mux OSNR testing solution to optimize your high-speed network performance.
The VIAVI Pol-Mux OSCA-710 is the first Optical Spectrum and Correlation Analyzer that can perform in-band OSNR measurement in high speed, ROADM based DWDM networks using polarization multiplexing transmission formats without shutting down optical channels. This module uses a novel, proprietary spectral correlation measurement technique (VIAVI pat.) along with an ultra-high resolution coherent receiver for complete signal characterization in amplitude, frequency, phase and polarization.
Key Highlights
- Characterize and diagnose 40G, 100G, 200G, and 400G traffic without shutting down the network or individual channels
- Only analyzer to incorporate spectral correlation technique
- First instrument that measures in-service, in-band OSNR on pol-mux signals
- First instrument that measures per channel, in-service, chromatic dispersion
- Supports legacy traffic as well as upcoming modulation and optical spectrum management schemes
Key Applications
- Installation, commissioning and maintenance testing in Core and metro DWDM networks with or without ROADMs
- Testing undersea communication links
- Qualification of any fiber optic link utilizing coherent detection
Key Features
- Power, wavelength, and in-band OSNR measurement for any kind of data rates and modulation schemes, including polarization-multiplexed signals
- Spectral correlation measurement (SCorM) technique
- Supports PM-BPSK, PM-QPSK, and PM-xQAM modulation formats used in 100, 200, and 400G systems
- Tolerant of high chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
- Measures per channel in-service CD
- Coherent OSA design with ultra-high resolution bandwidth for testing Nyquist- and Super-Channels
- WDM-Expert software for automatic identification of signal type (data rate) in mixed traffic pipes
- Overview
The VIAVI Pol-Mux OSCA-710 is the first Optical Spectrum and Correlation Analyzer that can perform in-band OSNR measurement in high speed, ROADM based DWDM networks using polarization multiplexing transmission formats without shutting down optical channels. This module uses a novel, proprietary spectral correlation measurement technique (VIAVI pat.) along with an ultra-high resolution coherent receiver for complete signal characterization in amplitude, frequency, phase and polarization.
Key Highlights
- Characterize and diagnose 40G, 100G, 200G, and 400G traffic without shutting down the network or individual channels
- Only analyzer to incorporate spectral correlation technique
- First instrument that measures in-service, in-band OSNR on pol-mux signals
- First instrument that measures per channel, in-service, chromatic dispersion
- Supports legacy traffic as well as upcoming modulation and optical spectrum management schemes
Key Applications
- Installation, commissioning and maintenance testing in Core and metro DWDM networks with or without ROADMs
- Testing undersea communication links
- Qualification of any fiber optic link utilizing coherent detection
Key Features
- Power, wavelength, and in-band OSNR measurement for any kind of data rates and modulation schemes, including polarization-multiplexed signals
- Spectral correlation measurement (SCorM) technique
- Supports PM-BPSK, PM-QPSK, and PM-xQAM modulation formats used in 100, 200, and 400G systems
- Tolerant of high chromatic dispersion (CD) and polarization mode dispersion (PMD)
- Measures per channel in-service CD
- Coherent OSA design with ultra-high resolution bandwidth for testing Nyquist- and Super-Channels
- WDM-Expert software for automatic identification of signal type (data rate) in mixed traffic pipes
- Resources