OTU-8000 OTDR Test System
Modular Rackmounted Test System
Automate optical network monitoring with the modular rack-mounted, automated OTDR test unit that offers a wide range of OTDR modules to make traditional OTDR traces as well as DTS and DTSS (Distributed Temperature and Strain) measurements.
The OTU-8000 Optical Test Unit combines optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) and optical-switch technology to provide continuous OTDR monitoring of multiple fibers anywhere in the network. The OTU-8000 platform is fully modular allowing for the use of many wavelengths and dynamic ranges in order to optimize fiber monitoring for a changing network.
The OTU-8000 works with the VIAVI ONMSi solution and the SmartOTU to help automate and improve the monitoring of your network performance.
VIAVI is the worldwide leader in OTDR manufacturing and Optical Network Monitoring, receiving the coveted Frost & Sullivan Fiber Optics Test Equipment Market Leader Award for fiber-optic test equipment six years in a row.
Key Benefits
- Ensure continuously good service at construction, service activation and beyond
- Anticipate service disruptions by detecting fiber degradation before it affects service.
- Reduce MTTR by locating fiber optic faults in minutes instead of hours
- Reduce operational costs by eliminating multiple erroneous dispatches
- Protect investments by monitoring long-term fiber performance
- Reduce construction costs by accelerating test processes and empowering test staff
- Protect network integrity and security by detecting and locating fiber intrusion
- Proactively protect infrastructure with the DTS and DTSS modules to detect strain and temperature changes that indicate risks to infrastructure items such as pipelines.
Key Applications
- Fiber monitoring for service providers, utilities, and dark-fiber providers
- FTTx construction, provisioning, and maintenance tests
- Fiber-tapping detection for critical applications
- Infrastructure monitoring (manholes, cabinet, pipelines, bridges, dams etc)
Key Features
- Switch scalability up to 1080 ports
- Web-browser access
- Advanced fault location
- E-mail and SMS notifications
- Scalable and modular in up to 2RU
- Dual power feeds
- Solid-state disk
- Low power consumption
- LAN-based firmware downloads
- Overview
The OTU-8000 Optical Test Unit combines optical time-domain reflectometry (OTDR) and optical-switch technology to provide continuous OTDR monitoring of multiple fibers anywhere in the network. The OTU-8000 platform is fully modular allowing for the use of many wavelengths and dynamic ranges in order to optimize fiber monitoring for a changing network.
The OTU-8000 works with the VIAVI ONMSi solution and the SmartOTU to help automate and improve the monitoring of your network performance.
VIAVI is the worldwide leader in OTDR manufacturing and Optical Network Monitoring, receiving the coveted Frost & Sullivan Fiber Optics Test Equipment Market Leader Award for fiber-optic test equipment six years in a row.Key Benefits
- Ensure continuously good service at construction, service activation and beyond
- Anticipate service disruptions by detecting fiber degradation before it affects service.
- Reduce MTTR by locating fiber optic faults in minutes instead of hours
- Reduce operational costs by eliminating multiple erroneous dispatches
- Protect investments by monitoring long-term fiber performance
- Reduce construction costs by accelerating test processes and empowering test staff
- Protect network integrity and security by detecting and locating fiber intrusion
- Proactively protect infrastructure with the DTS and DTSS modules to detect strain and temperature changes that indicate risks to infrastructure items such as pipelines.
Key Applications
- Fiber monitoring for service providers, utilities, and dark-fiber providers
- FTTx construction, provisioning, and maintenance tests
- Fiber-tapping detection for critical applications
- Infrastructure monitoring (manholes, cabinet, pipelines, bridges, dams etc)
Key Features
- Switch scalability up to 1080 ports
- Web-browser access
- Advanced fault location
- E-mail and SMS notifications
- Scalable and modular in up to 2RU
- Dual power feeds
- Solid-state disk
- Low power consumption
- LAN-based firmware downloads
- Resources